My Thoughts On The Bourne Supremacy

My Overall Thoughts On The Bourne Supremacy. So today I finally got around to watching The Bourne Supremacy which is a direct sequel from The Bourne Identity. I'm not sure how long of a gap there was from the first movie to the second but it seems it's only been at most a year. Jason Bourne fell off the grid at the end of the first movie and started living a small quite life with the girl he fell in love with. Though he still gets dreams of a mission he did but he can't seem to remember all of it, all the while he is being set up. Back at the agency he worked for they leave his fingerprints at an assassination setup, at the same time the old man from the first film found where Bourne was and sent an assassin. The man who some sort of higher up in the government was trying to cover all his tracks from Treadstone, but the assassin accidentally kills Bournes girlfriend instead of him. Therefore, the rest of the film is Bourne seeking revenge and trying to understand why ...