Deckard Is A Replicant Theory

My Thoughts On Deckard Being A Replicant Theory. 

So for today's topic I wanted to discuss the theory of Deckard being a Replicant in Blade Runner. I know that technically it's never been confirmed that Deckard is a replicant or not but for this blog Imma go off the assumption his is a replicant. So let's say he is a replicant, why isn't he killed by the Blade Runners in the film since replicants aren't allowed on Earth anymore? Could it possibly be because he was programmed to hunt down other replicants and retire them as some sort of expirement? Perhaps to see if replicants can be used again to retire all the old models and have a new generation of replicants come back to Earth.

It could make sense because Earth is in an apocalyptic state with nothing but wastelands and pollution. Now, how can Deckard be a replicant without knowing, the film does a good job explaining why perhaps he doesn't realize he's a replicant. The reason is because replicants have programmed memories to help give them a sort of cushion, emotionally, so then maybe Deckard was given memories of someone who was a Blade Runner. Let's say that's true, does that mean the whole police force knows he's a replicant and is in on the secret, or is just a small group of people who know what Deckard is. If all this is true, that's pretty dark in my opinion, to have someone who doesn't know what they are, and then hunt down their own kind, that would add a twisted layer to my second favorite movie of all time.

Also, if Deckard is a replicant, then why is he still alive in Blade Runner 2049? Could it be that he is a new generation of Nexus replicants, therefore what makes them live so long? Since in the original Blade Runner Tyrell says they made the replicants as best as they can, but they only last 4 years so what changed? There are so many questions to be answered if it is true that Deckard is a replicant. As always thank you for taking time out of your day to read this blog and please comment and share if you liked this topic I discussed.


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