Nightwing Director Talks About Practical Effects

The Nightwing Director Chris McKay Talks About Badass Practical Effects.

So just the other day Chris McKay who's directing the new Lego Ninjago movie was doing a press tour to promote said movie and got a chance to talk about Nightwing. He talked to Collider News about how he really wants a lot of the movie to have practical effects especially for the fight scenes. He said that whoever gets cast to be Nightwing in the standalone DCEU movie will have to go through vigorous training to prepare for the role. He talked about how that's what makes Nightwing such a badass, is that this guy has no superpowers and not a lot of gadgets to work with so he relies on his combat skills. That's what makes the character so interesting, is because he gets tired and can make mistakes that have drastic consequences from time to time.

I don't know about you, but when Chris McKay talked about practical effects, I immediately thought about the Daredevil Netflix show. If they can match that fighting choreography and perhaps even top it, it will make for one hell of a comic book movie. Now, I'm sure there will still be a lot of CGI but it's always good to use it sparingly, or to enhance the story. Take something like Mad Max Fury Road for example, that movie is praised for a lot of its practical effects but George Miller (director) decided to surround it with CGI which enhanced the movie. Another thing that Chris McKay talked about was that Nightwing is one of the few comic book characters that we've actually seen grow up on the pages throughout the years.

He started off as Robin which kids at the time didn't really care about because they all thought Batman was cooler. Then, in the Teen Titans Judas Contract, he changes into Nightwing and becomes his own person, so when he grows into maturity, we readers also feel like we grew with him. From then on Nightwing is one of those DC characters that everyone loved because of his morals and ethics that separated him from Batman. He truly became his own person and was pretty much looked at as the golden boy in a lot of comics. All in all Chris McKay has the right state of mind heading into directing this standalone Nightwing movie and that truly makes me happy. As always thank you for taking time out of your day to read this blog and please comment and share if you liked this topic I discussed.


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