My Hope For Inhumans

My Hope That The Inhumans Might Actually Be Good.

So with the end of September just around the corner, that means the Inhumans tv show will debut on the 29th. Now I'm not sure if you've heard of all the reviews for the first two episodes that you could go to see in IMAX, it turns out the show is really bad. From all the reviews I've watched, or listened to, the show just falls flat in grand IMAX spectacle and has uninteresting characters. Which to me sounds like a damn nightmare because I actually love the Inhumans way more than the X-Men and I had hope for this show. This could've been the next Game Of Thrones with all the political themes from the popular show.

The Inhumans was actually gonna be a movie later on in the Marvel timeline but they even hired Vin Diesel to Star as Black Bolt. Now, that was before Bob Iger got Kevin Feige (top Marvel producer) and Jeff Leob (television producer) to sit down in a room and decide that Leob will handle all Marvel television while Feige handles all Marvel movies. The thing was that the Inhumans movie was Leob's idea so once he had no way over Marvel movies, Feige took it off the slate and Leob picked it up for tv. This completely downgraded the money budget and hiring the guy who directed the first season of Iron Fist was not a good idea at all. I honestly was very saddened when I heard the Iron Fist director was directoring Inhumans because Iron Fist was pretty bad.

So from then on I lowered my expectations but I mean I love the Inhumans because there is such a rich, untapped story to be told. So leading up to the premier on ABC, I haven't been excited at all and it's rather just disappointing all around. There is a lot of speculation that the entire first season will be dropped on the 29th, so hopefully we can move on with a different director for the next season. Granted, thats only if they get another season, but I just hope the show isn't really bad to the point where I get upset. Maybe if the show misses the mark entirely, we can get a movie sometime in the near future. As always thank you for taking time out of your day to read this blog and please comment and share if you liked this topic I discussed


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