New Hellboy Image

New Hellboy Image Showing Off David Harbour. 

So today Mike Mignola went on his Twitter and gave fans a first look of David Harbour as Hellboy. Now, I'm a big fan of Guillermo Del Toro's two Hellboy movies so I was just a little skeptical for the reboot. Though this image put me on cloud 9 and I am more than stoked to see the new Hellboy. The image is just David Harbour in full Hellboy makeup but to see how intense he looks and how much on screen presence he is. My god, this image tells so many things and that's what so great about it, you look at his body and there is so much history on it.

There are scars on his body from who knows what, and then he has an important little cross. This is important to the character because of his adopted father who cared for him once he came to Earth as a child and he was very religious. Another important part is that he is destined to destroy the world and bring doom to everyone, but he has faith in his religion and tries his best not to let that happen. That's what Del Toro's Hellboy movies were leading to but unfortunately he wasn't able to finish his trilogy. Then of course he's got his revolver in one hand and his other hand is his iconic stonehand.

I mean an image says a thousand things and they did a perfect job showing the tone and history with just this one image. We're gonna also have a great cast surrounding David Harbour as Hellboy and it's even going to be rated-R. Now, the film doesn't have to be rated-R but it just expresses how dark and perhaps how gory the movie will be. Perhaps I'm just fanboying out right now but that's how much the new Hellboy image got me excited. As always thank you for taking time out of your day to read this blog and please comment and share if you liked this topic I discussed.


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