My Thoughts On The Bourne Identity

My Thoughts On The Bourne Identity.

So just the other day I finally sat down and watched the first Jason Bourne movie. Now, I've tried a couple of times to watch the first movie but for some reason it never held my attention. However, I finally said fine, I've heard this trilogy is excellent and I want to see if it's true or not. My friends, it's true, at least for the first movie, don't get me wrong, there are moments that felt a bit slow. Though overall it was a cool story, with a great lead actor who fits the Bourne role perfectly and brings his A-game to it. The one thing I really like is they don't seem to drag on his amnesia into the sequels.

At the end of the film he remembers who he was, and decides that he doesn't want to do that anymore. I honestly thought we were going to get three films that revolve around him uncovering who he really is and what happened to him. Now, I may be wrong in my assumption, but as a solo film, The Bourne Identity is a solid standalone with of course potential for sequels. Hands down the best scene in the movie was when he was at the bank or something like that, and he took down a few officers and had a great escape. It also shows how brutal and resourceful the character is when he fights the assassin in his house and uses a pen for a weapon.

I will watch the second and third movie now because I wanna where exactly they take the story of Bourne. At the end of the movie he says don't ever go after him again and he goes back to the girl he loves, so what exactly drags him back to the assassin life? I do really hope that the two sequels are as good, if not better than the first movie, but all in all, the first film stands on its own. I also like that we don't get every little detail of how he became an assassin which leaves room to play with in the second and third movie. As always thank you for taking time out of your day to read this topic I discussed.


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