Petition To Get Rid Of JJ Abrams?

Petition To Get Rid Of JJ Abrams To Direct Star Wars Episode IX 

So today it was brought to my attention that there has been a fan petition to fire JJ Abrams as the Episode 9 director. Now, the petition doesn't have that many votes just yet but when he was confirmed to direct Episode 9 there were many fans saying they did not like that choice. So most likely a lot of Star Wars fans will exaggerate and actually sign this ridiculous petition. Look, I don't mind fans expressing their dislike for a director but the only problem these people have is that supposedly JJ Abrams won't bring anything new to the table, really? Sure there were things from The Force Awakens that were similar to the original Star Wars movie but Abrams brought Star Wars back.

I've said in previous blogs that JJ Abrams can adapt to his situations so he now has to come up with an ending that will satisfy all fans. Also, look at Lucasfilms track history so far, they have fired four of their previous directors lined up to direct a Star Wars movie. They tried to bring new directors in an have their own take on Star Wars but the thing is Lucasfilm and Disney is trying to rebuild the Stat Wars brand bigger than ever. So the directors weren't giving the studio what they wanted so they decided to go with a safe choice in JJ Abrams. As long as they bring in the new trilogy and wrap it up well, then, we later can expirement with spin-off Star Wars movies.

Look, I know that there's no way that JJ Abrams will be fired for this petition but I just wanted to touch on fans being overreactive. I understand that there are hardcore fans but this is Disney and Lucasfilm we're talking about, they're professionals so let them do their job. We won't know exactly what we want until we get it, so therefore I believe that it's ok if Abrams does homages to The Return Of The Jedi as long as he brings new things to the table. Also, we need to see exactly what Rian Johnson does with The Last Jedi and where he leaves off for JJ Abrams to come in and bring it home. As always thank you for taking time out of your day to read this blog and please comment and share if you liked this topic I discussed.


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