My Hero Academia

My Thoughts On My Hero Academia. So for today's topic I'd like to discuss why My Hero Academia is a great show that you should be watching. Let's first start off with, this show isn't that original, it's about how people on Earth have been getting quirks(superpowers) for the past few years, some are stronger than other. Then, there are few people that are born without a quirk but it tends to be rare, though with our main character Midorya, he is a quirkless child. So with everyone having quirks, there are schools that the more intelligent and gifted children go and they compete in tournaments and learn how to be a hero. They are also scouted throughout the four years they attend the schools and once an agency pucks them up, they perform civil duties by using their quirks. Though no one is allowed to use their quirk in public unless they are on duty, or their life or someone else's is in danger. Now, back to our protagonist for the show, Midorya, he's quir...