DC vs. Marvel: Comic Books and Movies

DC vs. Marvel: Comic Books and Movies.

So today I'd like to discuss the two biggest superhero studios and which has the better movies, then which has the better comics. Right off the bat though I wanna say I love both studios and their history/future in movies and comics. Now both companies have had their low points in both comics and movies but they both keep trying to bring new, amazing things to the table so I also appreciate that. So now to get to the point, I believe DC has the better comic books because they not just have been consistent, but they've made some of the most popular, and influential comics. Now that's not to say Marvel hasn't but I always feel like you have to go digging through comic runs just to find a great story and not just decent. Look, I'm no where near rich enough to go to the comic store every week and not just buy single issues, but catch up on other runs in the past in trade paperbacks. So I like to spend my money on things I know are at least on a constant basis, good, and even commonly great. Even with some of Marvels best comics they hardly seem to have readers feeling tense or intrigued in some type of way. There are low points in some of their best stories and they don't seem to know how to keep the reader to feel like they have to continue reading and not stop. Now thats not to say DC doesn't have dipping points, but they're not as common as Marvels comics. Marvel has very interesting characters but I personally believe they're not as interesting as DC's characters. The storytelling in all the DC Comics is superb not to mention the dilemma's each character goes through. So now for the second part of the topic at hand, which is the movies. I'll just come out and say it, Marvel movies are superbly better than the DC movies in my opinion. Now, I'm only talking about the new DCEU movies, not the older ones. I also understand that DC hasn't been making as many movies as Marvel has in their cinematic universe. Though if we're being totally honest with ourselves, DC doesn't need as many films to establish and catch to the Marvel movies. I believe that DC has the more interesting characters and it pains me to see all the moments of potential for each character in the movies but in the overall film, falter. For example, I liked all of the members of the "Suicide Squad" but I didn't like the movie they were in. Then you jump to Marvel's side and I'm honestly even a mild Doctor Strange fan but the movie was a lot of fun and it made me understand why the characters has so many established fans. Now I've personally at least liked all the DC films but I understand why there are mixed reactions to each movie. The one that had an overall positive reaction was "Wonder Woman" and I happened to be part of that positive reaction. Even so, at the end of the day Marvel outweighs that 1 film like what, 5 to 1? Marvel had the better movies but I believe that Warner Bros. has changed up a lot in terms of leadership for the DCEU. All in all those are my thoughts on which company has the better comic books and which company has the better movies. Hopefully in the future of each category, we fans get nothing but amazing material. As always thank you for taking time out of your day to read this blog and please comment and share if you liked today's blog.


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