David Ayer Bright Trailer

Bright Trailer Disicussion.

So San Diego Comic Con is going on right now and the first day we got the trailer for Bright. Bright will be a Netflix Original movie starring Will Smith and Joel Edgerton. So I watched the trailer which, if I'm being honest, I wasn't so excited for, but this trailer actually sold me. I mean I have account for Netflix and since this is free on there I'm of course give it a shot. David Ayer is the director of the movie and I've really enjoyed his previous movies "Suicide Squad", "Fury", and "End of Watch". Now out of those three films End of Watch was my favorite but one similar thing in all his previous movies is the characters. Now in each movie there is character development and great character dynamic. Also Bright seems a lot like End of Watch since both are about a cop duo patrolling the streets. The trailer was very interesting show these Fairy tale beings as gangs in what seems to be Los Angeles and you can tell David Ayer isn't going to hold back on the violence. All in all now I'm excited to see the movie which premieres on Netflix December 22nd, if you haven't watched the trailer it's up on YouTube and so is the panel for comic con. Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this blog, feel free to comment and share if you liked it.


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