Avenger Infinity War Runtime

Avenger Infimity War Will Be Around 2 Hours and 30 Minutes.

So in today's news I found out that the new Avengers movie will clock in around 2 hours and 30 minutes with some change. This is coming from one of the two directors, Joe Russo, his brother Anthony Russo is the second director for Infinity War. Now, I'm sure you're all thinking man, why does it have to be this long? Well to simply put it, we are now at the endgame of what all these marvels films have been trying to build. We've been introduced to many new Marvel characters and have had an interweaving storyline that connects to Thanos. Ever since the first "Avengers" movie we've gotten introduced to Thanos in a post-credit scene. Now in Avenger Infinity War we will have him as our main bad guy and have all the Avengers scattered, and unprepared for the biggest threat they will ever face. Anthony and Joe Russo were known for there work on "Arrested Development" which was a comedy tv series. Since then they made their directorial debut with "Captain America: The Winter Soldier" and continued with "Captain America: Civil War". Now if you've seen these films, whether it be both or just one, you'll know how great of a story they can tell with a great blend of action as well. With Civil War people were a bit worried thinking that it may be too over crowded and some heroes will cast a shadow on others. I personally believe the Russo Brothers did a superb job with handling each character. Marvel Studios and Kevin Feige (Head of Marvel Studios and only answers to Disney President Bob Iger) may also be thinking similarly to me since they hired them to do Infinity War. So I honestly believe that if the Russo Brothers think they need to make an Avenger film 2 and a half hours long, it will be to enhance the story more. They're gonna deal with even more characters than they did in Civil War so I'm sure they won't waste any screen time with uneccessary things. I also believe that they will service the fans as well since I'm sure first thing they wanna make sure is that fans are having fun and don't feel like the 2 and a half hours did feel long but more like it flew by. So if this is all to be true and the runtime is this long, it will make it the longest Marvel movie runtime to date. As always thank you for taking time out of your day to read this blog and please comment and share if you liked this blog.


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