Léon The Professional Review (Spoilers)

My Thoughts On Léon The Professional.

So for today's blog I wanted to give my overall thoughts on Léon The Professional, perhaps going in detail on some things. Over the weekend I finally got the chance to watch Léon The Professional, I've always heard good things about it but I never sought it out so I decided I might as well rent it, so I rented it and my Lord, this film is amazing. The two leads Léon and Mathilda play by Jean Reno and Natalie Portman was outstanding, their relationship throughout the film feels organic, and also naturally growing. Keep in mind this is a spoiler review so if you haven't watched the film, treat yourself, this is a great quality watch worth owning. So the overall story is about a hitman who gets stuck with this child and they develop a relationship that grows into them loving each other, Mathilda loving Léon on a more intimidate level but it never crosses that line which I'm glad to say because that would've been weird, but they care so much for each other.

In the beginning of the movie you see both characters live in the same apartment complex and Mathilda's father ends up getting the entire family gunned down because he trafficked drugs for Gary Oldman's character and decided to keep a certain amount for himself. Mathilda was out and when she came back she saw what happened and asked Léon to please take her in and from their the story goes on into Mathilda wanting to get revenge for her younger brother. Of course Léon doesn't want her at first but makes a deal with her and trains her in the basics of becoming a hitman. During all this training you see how Léon lives and how isolated he is from the world, with only his plant that he takes good care of as his only friend. So with Mathilda being thrown into his life he learns to relax a little and have some fun here and there which of course creates more of a bond between the two. Léon even at one point makes sure whatever money he has would go to her if anything were to ever happen to him and as the film progresses, he takes her out to have first hand experience on how to take out a target.

So towards the end of the film Mathilda decides she wants to take out Gary Oldman's character because Léon wouldn't do it since he doesn't take on personal hits. In that she gets caught causing Léon to take out Oldman's crew in order to save Mathilda. As a quick side note I do want to emphasize that Gary Oldman gives an amazing performance as this character that seems always unhinged, and I love how he's the head of the D.E.A and makes sure all drug trafficking goes to him. So, with Léon saving Mathilda it leads to Oldman's character to believe it was a personal hit and tracks Léon down from his employer which leads to an amazing action sequence. Luc Besson does an amazing job showing just how good Léon is but also making it obvious that he can't take on a whole damn army.

Léon knows he probably won't make it out alive out of his apartment but he had an exit prepared for Matilda. So with her safe from the shootout, Oldman's crew shoots a damn rocket into Léon's apartment and in all the chaos Léon disguises himself as one of I believe it was SWAT or something like that. Unfortunately he gets shot in the back by Gary Oldman but takes him out in the process, carrying out Mathilda's revenge. Then, we see Mathilda go to the private school she was supposed to go to and planting Léon's plant in the yard so it can spread roots. All of the conclusion was so deserving, Léon got to live his life with someone he cared about and made sure the people who cause her pain got what they deserved. Mathilda finally found purpose in her life thanks to Léon and I honestly hope someday soon someone will do a sequel with Natalie Portman reprising her role as Mathilda and becoming a hitman like Léon. The movie is somewhat of a slow burn but these character feel genuine and you enjoy them learning to care for each other and having an impact on one another. All in all, this movie is amazing, great performances, great story, great conclusion, and a well deserved open ending for Mathilda. As always thank you for taking time out of your day to read this topic I discussed.


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