Hellboy (2004) Review

My Thoughts On Hellboy (2004).

So I understand this movie is 13 years old but with the new Hellboy movie announced and also now a character in Injustice 2, I thought why not review it. With the new Hellboy movie in the works with David Harbour as the star character, I decided to go back and watch the movie because I really do love Ron Perlman's interpretation of Hellboy. If you would like to rewatch the movie or actually see it for the first time, it's on Netflix and it's a fun dark tale. So now to talk about the movie, Guillermo Del Toro's version of Hellboy is very mythological and paying homage to Mike Mignola's work on Hellboy. I love that Del Toro doesn't try to go out of his way to ground this film, this is a movie about a demon that will bring an end to the world so he's not afraid of making you suspend your belief.

I love that Hellboy's origin is tied into the history of Hitler investigating supernatural things to gain an upperhand in the war which then in the movie leads to a portal being open and Hellboy coming out of it. I guess you can say the movie is an origin story but it's not until the second film that we see a little more of Hellboy's childhood. One character that stands out from the opening scene onto the rest of the film is the Nazi SS Scientist Karl Ruprecht Kroenon which is the assassin made of sand and has the two blades. That character was wicked throughout the film, he was frightening, and the way Del Toro used practical effects for when you see the character without his suit was just unsettling. He was an awesome foe who took out quite a few people from the B.P.R.D and even took out Professor Broom that added more to Hellboy as a character.

Then or course there's Abe Sapien and Liz Sherman which are both very important people to Hellboy. Abe knows how Hellboy feels since both of them don't look human and are very abnormal which causes them to feel like cast outs. Abe is very intelligent and has an awesome ability to see out things with his hands, while Liz has pyrokinesis and is important to Hellboy in a different way. Liz is someone Hellboy loves because she is technically odd like he is but she can hide her powers while he can't, even so, she still see's the humanity in Hellboy and they both accept the others abnormalities which is why they love each other.

Now let's get to the main man himself, Hellboy, he is without a doubt one of my top 10 favorite comic book characters ever. The first thing I wanna touch on is how he understands he is a demon which is supposedly destined to destroy earth. So in order to fight back, he's a very religious person, he wears two rosarys, one on his wrist and another on his belt. His religion is from his father Professor Broom who shows him that he has a different path he can walk as long as he has faith in himself, and it helps him st the end of the film. Another characterisitic of Hellboy is his humor, he is a smartass who does act like a child from time to time in the film but you end up loving him for that. Of course two awesome features of his is his giant revolver the Sumaritan and his Right Hand of Doom, whenever he's in action, it's like the scenes were pulled right out of Mike Mignola's comic.

Now to wrap it up, sure there are flaws in the film like the new B.P.R.D agent that is just there to help further the plot, or one of the head agents that's just a dick to Hellboy. Then you can perhaps say the ending isn't really all that fulfilling whether it be him killing the last monster quickly, or the main villian not really being interesting but I'm okay with it. Every movie has its flaws but the overall movie to me is very fun, has interesting mythology, a worthy protagonist but is also one that can be very uncommon in movie audiences eyes. Also, this is a great beginning film that only expands immensely in Hellboy II: The Golden Army so I guess I'm a bit forgiving. The movie is overall great and has one of my favorite comic book characters so it's something worth writing a blog on and I can't wait to revisit Hellboy II and write my thoughts on that movie. As always thank you for taking time out of your day to read this topic I discussed.


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