Léon The Professional Review (Spoilers)

My Thoughts On Léon The Professional. So for today's blog I wanted to give my overall thoughts on Léon The Professional, perhaps going in detail on some things. Over the weekend I finally got the chance to watch Léon The Professional, I've always heard good things about it but I never sought it out so I decided I might as well rent it, so I rented it and my Lord, this film is amazing. The two leads Léon and Mathilda play by Jean Reno and Natalie Portman was outstanding, their relationship throughout the film feels organic, and also naturally growing. Keep in mind this is a spoiler review so if you haven't watched the film, treat yourself, this is a great quality watch worth owning. So the overall story is about a hitman who gets stuck with this child and they develop a relationship that grows into them loving each other, Mathilda loving Léon on a more intimidate level but it never crosses that line which I'm glad to say because that would've been weird, but they...