Wind River Review

My Thoughts On Wind River.

For today's blog I wanted to talk about a movie that was never really on my radar, but I heard good things about it. That movie is Wind River, starring Jeremy Renner and Elizabeth Olsen, the movie centers around a murder investigation on an Indian reservation. Jeremy Renner plays a Hunter on the Indian reservation who takes the murder personally and Elizabeth Olsen play an FBI agent that is sent to the reservation on her first assignment. The overall movie is a slow-burn, but it builds very high tension, has an interesting investigation, and gives watchers insight to present indian reservation life. This is actually the directors directorial debut, Taylor Sheridan, wrote the script for Hell Or High Water as well, but he wrote and directed this movie.

So I guess first off, I think this is Jeremy Renner's best performance in any film, he plays more of a layer back, calm character but an intelligent hunter. He helps Elizabeth Olsen's character find all the clues leading to the answer in the movie, you also see he is well respected by everyone on the reservation. You get more of his back story about his daughter that he lost, if you haven't seen the movie, I won't spoil it for you but it's pretty sad. In fact, this whole movie makes you feel such a weight of sadness, even though it's all fiction. He is a brutal hunter as well, you really believe Renner as this character and he has a moment in the movie where he gives a monologue that is pretty much Oscar worthy.

Then, there's Elizabeth Olsen who also gives just as good of a performance as Renner, and I repeat again, you really believe her as this character. You understand her frustration when doing things by the book doesn't get any answers and how she needs to adapt to the situation. You also see how her character is not welcomed onto the reservation and she has to struggle with the fact that she's an outsider, trying to solve an inside investigation. There's also very intense shootouts and when shit hits the fan, you are just tense the whole time. All in all I highly recommend this film, it'll probably get an Oscar nomination, which it deserves, and it's something different than the big blockbuster movies. As always thank you for taking time out of your day to read this topic I discussed.


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