The Last Jedi Trailer
My Thoughts On The Last Jedi Trailer.
Yesterday during halftime for the Chicago Bears vs. Minnesota Vikings, Lucasfilm unveiled the new trailer for The Last Jedi. Look, it's obvious that the trailer was amazing, all Star Wars trailers are, so I wanted to discuss some things that stood out to me. First and foremost, of course this trailer has an Empire Strikes Back feel to it, it's much darker and deals with more serious themes. When we see Luke and hear him talk, it isn't the Luke that we knew before, something has changed him and he wants nothing to do with Rey. There is one line that he says that I truly love, and it's "This isn't going to go the way you think it will." , now of course I'm paraphrasing a bit but that is pretty much what he said.
The reason why I like this, is because it's completely true, not everything is black and white and whoever he's talking to might think it is. Luke has been through a lot of stuff leading up to this film and you can tell by the way he acts in this trailer. I also wanted to talk about Kylo Ren, in this trailer, there are parts in which you don't know exactly which side he thinks he's on. He has a line that is pretty much saying to bury the past if you have to, perhaps it means for him that he's done both good and bad things in the past, and maybe he's done with both sides. Before he became Kylo Ren he trained under Luke and that obviously didn't work out for him, then he trained under Snoke and felt that he has to kill his father, perhaps he's through with both sides. It reminds me of Prince Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender, he started off as a stuck brat, who was a bad guy, but thought the series he's done trying to prove himself to other and tries to figure who he is, or rather who he wants to be.
Maybe Kylo Ren will go down the same path, in which he won't concern himself with this whole battle between the light and dark side. Which leads me to the end of the trailer when Rey says she needs someone to help her find her place in all of this. Maybe she feels the same as I think Kylo Ren does, she doesn't want to play to one side or the other, but carve out another path. That's why I think the end when we see Kylo stick out his hand as if to take Rey's isn't a bait and switch, maybe they're both done with this whole battle that has been drawn out throughout all of Star Wars. I would like to see this throughout the new movie because it will add something new and interesting to the movie. There are so many other things I can talk about but I'm sure there are more interesting videos on YouTube that do a better job than I can. As always thank you for taking time out of your day to read this topic I discussed.
Yesterday during halftime for the Chicago Bears vs. Minnesota Vikings, Lucasfilm unveiled the new trailer for The Last Jedi. Look, it's obvious that the trailer was amazing, all Star Wars trailers are, so I wanted to discuss some things that stood out to me. First and foremost, of course this trailer has an Empire Strikes Back feel to it, it's much darker and deals with more serious themes. When we see Luke and hear him talk, it isn't the Luke that we knew before, something has changed him and he wants nothing to do with Rey. There is one line that he says that I truly love, and it's "This isn't going to go the way you think it will." , now of course I'm paraphrasing a bit but that is pretty much what he said.
The reason why I like this, is because it's completely true, not everything is black and white and whoever he's talking to might think it is. Luke has been through a lot of stuff leading up to this film and you can tell by the way he acts in this trailer. I also wanted to talk about Kylo Ren, in this trailer, there are parts in which you don't know exactly which side he thinks he's on. He has a line that is pretty much saying to bury the past if you have to, perhaps it means for him that he's done both good and bad things in the past, and maybe he's done with both sides. Before he became Kylo Ren he trained under Luke and that obviously didn't work out for him, then he trained under Snoke and felt that he has to kill his father, perhaps he's through with both sides. It reminds me of Prince Zuko from Avatar: The Last Airbender, he started off as a stuck brat, who was a bad guy, but thought the series he's done trying to prove himself to other and tries to figure who he is, or rather who he wants to be.
Maybe Kylo Ren will go down the same path, in which he won't concern himself with this whole battle between the light and dark side. Which leads me to the end of the trailer when Rey says she needs someone to help her find her place in all of this. Maybe she feels the same as I think Kylo Ren does, she doesn't want to play to one side or the other, but carve out another path. That's why I think the end when we see Kylo stick out his hand as if to take Rey's isn't a bait and switch, maybe they're both done with this whole battle that has been drawn out throughout all of Star Wars. I would like to see this throughout the new movie because it will add something new and interesting to the movie. There are so many other things I can talk about but I'm sure there are more interesting videos on YouTube that do a better job than I can. As always thank you for taking time out of your day to read this topic I discussed.
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