Deathstroke Movie In The Works

Possible Deathstroke Movie By Gareth Edwards.

Yesterday in the movie news, Warner Bros. and DC announced that Gareth Edwards is writing and set to direct a Deathstroke movie. If you don't know Gareth Edwards, he's the director for both the Raid Redemption and the Raid 2. If you still don't know who he is, do yourself a favor and watch those two movies, they are some of the best action movies in the past decade. Deathstroke himself is one of rogues of Batman's rogue gallery (he's a bad guy) but he actually ties more into the Teen Titans story. In the Teen Titans cartoon that came out in the early 2000's, he was their main nemesis, and one cool episode was when Robin thought Deathstroke was still alive, but it was all phsycological.

Deathstroke is a really cool villian for Batman too because he's a highly intelligent mercenary. So he kind of works both sides of the field, sometimes for good guys but most of the time for bad guys. In the comics, Deathstroke also gone toe to toe with Batman in hand-to-hand combat and has actually beat him, so he poses a big threat no matter what situation. It will be interesting whether they tie him into the Teen Titans or Batman, personally, I would like a new type of challenge for Batman in the movies and Deathstroke seems to be the right person. It will also be interesting how much of the movie will be practical, since Gareth Edwards used nothing but practical effects for the Raid movies.

Joe Mangienello is set to return as Deathstroke  but so far Gareth Edwards is just working on the script. It's not even confirmed whether or not this script will get greenlit into an actual movie. I think it all depends on how Justice League does, if it is overall poorly received, then perhaps DC won't continue on with this universe they have going on. All in all this is a great idea but the verdict is out until we see how Justice League does. As always thank you for taking time out of your day to read this topic I discussed.


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