Supporting Comic Book Stores

Why It Is Important To Support Comic Book Stores.

So for today's blog I wanted to talk about why comic book fans and those who are interested in diving into the world of comics, should support their local comic book stores. In this day and age things are more accessible to us than ever, so comics can be bought and read without having to leave the comfort of home. Now believe me, I'm the type of person that loves staying at home and the only time I go out, is when I go to the comic book store, movies, or of course, to work. Other than those three things, I honestly don't care about going out much. So I understand people not wanting to go to the comic book store to pick up a few comics, I really do. So with today's technology, we can just buy comic books online and either have them shipped to our homes, or we could read them on any smart device. Now, I'm not trying to say you shouldn't do that because there are benefits to getting comics that way, but you're missing on the potential. Now, the potential I'm talking about is the experience, not just the experience of going to a comic store and buying your favorite comics to read. I'm also talking about the experience of talking to other people who are into the same things you are, or perhaps getting introduced to new comics to read. Even if you are very knowledgeable about comics, you don't know everything and there are people who work there and people who just like to hang put there, that can introduce you to new things. Another thing I just mentioned, is hanging out at a comic book store, from all the times I've gone to one, everyone is always nice and are happy to help get someone into comics. I'm no expert on comic books when I started reading them and the workers at the stores are more than happy to introduce into the world of comics. Sadly comic book stores haven't been doing so well since the new technology allowed getting comic online to be the new and easiest thing. With that you would think store owners would be bitter over what's happening but at the end of the day, they're just happy people are still walking into the doors and going out of their way to buy some comics. If you're a person who's looking to get into comics but don't know where to start, just pick any of the new things on the shelf, the great thing about comics is that you can literally start from anywhere and just read. Or perhaps you can ask the store owner what would they recommend or maybe you're really into all the comic book movies, they can suggest titles that are like that certain movie or movies you like. All in all, I highly suggest going to your local comic book store, there are so many vast stories to read with people who are more than happy to help you so don't be afraid to just stroll in to a store. Even if you don't see anything that peaks your interest the first time you walk in, you can always walk in another day because there are some many comics that are coming out every week and one may peak your interest. As always thank you for taking time out of your day to read this blog and please comment and share if you liked this topic I discussed.


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