Movie Pass $10 A Month?

Movie Pass Will Now Only Charge $10 A Month?

So this morning on "Good Morning News", CEO Mitch Lowe talked about how his company Movie Pass Will lower it's subscription. For those of you who don't know Movie Pass is a subscription that used to be fifty dollars a month to go watch unlimited movies for that month. So that means to get what you paid for, you have to go see five to six films a month. Today however, Mitch Lowe announced that Movie Pass subscriptions will go down to ten dollars a month for unlimited movies except 3D and IMAX films. So in order to break even you just have to watch 2 films a month and you get your money's worth.

Mitch Lowe also spoke about how theatres have been slowly losing money since there isn't much consumer desire to go watch a movie. The reason is because of streaming services and it's cheaper to wait to watch a movie on home video. So Mitch Lowe said that since Helios & Madison Analytics Inc. invested a lot of money into Movie Pass, they are able to lower the subscription pass. He hopes that it will make more people want to go out to the movies and get theatres behind Movie Pass in the future. Though there is a big problem in the way of Movie Pass' dreams and goals, and that is AMC Theatres.

AMC Theatres announced today as well that they are talking to their legal representatives in order to sue Movie Pass. They believe that this subscription feed will not be good for consumers or their theatres. It makes sense they are very upset since their big Summer Block-Buster Predictions did not do as well as they hoped. Mitch Lowe said that hopefully AMC and Movie Pass can come to some sort of agreement but what is the catch for Movie Pass? Since it was only announced today, we don't know all the details for the new Movie Pass subscriptions, perhaps it isn't good at all for consumers so we are just going to have to wait. I hope that there is no big catch with Movie Pass so I can get a subscription for me and my family. As always thank you for taking time out of your day to read this blog and please comment and share if you liked this topic I discussed.


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