Is Deckard A Replicant In Blade Runner?

Is Deckard Actually A Replicant In Blade Runner?

So today I wanted to talk about whether the great Rick Deckard, played by Harrison Ford, is a replicant or not. There are six versions of the Blade Runner film and only the Director's Cut and the Final Cut adress it more thoroughly. There are two extra scenes in the two cuts that suggest more than anything else in all the versions that Deckard is a replicant. The scenes involve the unicorn, in particular, Deckard has a dream about a unicorn that kind of abruptly placed in the film. Then, at the end of the film, Edward James Olmos character, Gaff, leaves an orgami of a unicorn at Deckards apartment. This suggests that Gaff knows about Deckards dream, because it's on record for Blade Runner's. Basically every replicant has implanted memories that are kept on file so that completely explains why Gaff would leave a unicorn origami at his place. Also, you see how Deckard reacts to it, and he has a look of understanding which would also make sense because when he tested Rachel on whether she's a replicant and he finds out that she is but she actually doesn't know herself. Then, Deckard asks the replicants creator about how it cannot know what it is, so that means, if he is a replicant, then it shouldn't be surprising he doesn't know either. Can it be that Deckard was never a cop/Blade Runner and all those memories were implanted to him and he's just a tool? Let's say he is a replicant for a moment, it would then be pretty twisted to have him hunt down other replicants and kill them even though they just want to live and enjoy life. Then again, who better to hunt down a con artist, than a con artist themself. There is also moments throughout the movie that show that replicants' eyes glow and then there's the scene where Rachel is asking Deckard if he'll hunt her down if she ran. He tells her no, that he owes her one, and as he walks behind her he looks at her and says if he won't hunt her, someone else will. So at that moment when he turns to look at her back, his and Rachel's eyes glow, so is that a subtle hint from Ridley Scott that Deckard is a replicant? Ridley Scott himself has come out and said yes, Deckard is a replicant, but then Harrison Ford and the novel Blade Runner is based off say no, he's human. It never is definitively answered in any version of the movie so we will just have to wait for Blade Runner 2049 to find out. I personally believe that he's a replicant but I'm probably in the minority. As always thank you for taking time out of your day to read this blog and please comment and share if you liked this topic I discussed.


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