Blade Runner 2049 Rate R

Blade Runner 2049 Will Be Rated R.

So two days ago it was announced that Blade Runner 2049 will be rated R. The rating describes the film as having violence, sexuality, nudity, and some language. If you're a Blade Runner fan this shouldn't really be too surprising since the original movie was also rated R. Though the original movie was not really grotesque and relying on brutal imagery of any sort. If you take out a minute here or there in the original it would be rated R. So that begs the question, whether Blade Runner 2049 will be a hard R and haves lots of violence and nudity, or did it barely get that rating? From Dennis Villeneuve's previous films, they have been rated R or PG-13 but he doesn't try to have a lot of graphic imagery so i don't think we will get that in Blade Runner 2049. Blade Runner has never been about that, but, it is a film that is for adults so if Villeneuve put things in the new movie that he felt was necessary, I full-heartedly trust it was necessary. The original Blade Runner was a noir/detective film dealing with a lot of adult themes like the meaning of life and how much you should cherish the time you have. Perhaps those subjects will be touched on once the new movie comes out, so only time will tell. So tell me do you think it needs an R rating? Or would you have preferred a lower rating? As always thank you for taking time out of your day to read this blog and please comment and share if you liked this topic I discussed.


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